Well here's the beginning to what I hope will be a great compilation of true events, experiences, all out insanity! I leave for Europe tomorrow, Sept. 1 for three months. This trip has been my dream since before I can remember. Europe has always been my number one destination to visit. This will not be my first time out of my home country with a mission to visit another part of the world and experience life in a new light. However, this will be the first time that I'll document everything I encounter for your reading and also viewing pleasure (Pictures as well as videos will start to appear once I have landed). The first destination is Frankfurt, Germany. The tripod (otherwise known as My brother Paul, My father Joshua, and myself) will first meet up with my brother's good friend Thomas Henderson who is stationed in Frankfurt with the U.S. Air Force. The plan so far is to try and find a van to buy and use as our base as we travel all throughout Europe. If the van fails to work out then hello Europass (A pass for the Rail Trains that go all throughout Europe).

Well everyone it's about 11 and it's been a long month so I am going to say adieu for now, feel free to comment and share your thoughts/suggestions. (by the way this was suppose to be posted the night of the 31st, but you all know how things go sometimes ha)